Sunday, November 13, 2016

Why Do We Care About Grammar

Why Do We Care About Grammar

Why Do We Care About Grammar 01 
English Grammar Boot Camp, English Grammar

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GRE Reading Comprehension

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

English grammar Rules

English grammar Rules 

. 1) A noun always takes a colon if it is to be defined or described.
. Inc:-Thursday, the most spiritual day for all Sai Baba devotees.
. Cor:- Thursday: The most spiritual day for all Sai Baba devotees.

. 2) The noun has to be in singular form if it is to be repeated after a preposition. The noun follows a singular verb.
. Inc:-Kingdoms after Kingdoms were conquered by the mighty Alexander.
. Cor:- Kingdom after Kingdom was conquered by the mighty Alexander.

. 3) Nouns after one of should always be plural.
. Inc:-One of my friend is working with the United Nations.
. Cor:- One of my friends is working with the United Nations.

✎ 4) Cousin is never followed by brother or sister.
✖ Inc:-I love my cousin brothers the same way I love my own brother.
✔ Cor:- I love my cousins the same way I love my own brother.

✎ 5) If a numeral adjective and a fraction of a noun are to be denoted, the noun is chiefly used with the numeral adjective.
✖ Inc:-The food provided by the authority is inadequate as it is just two and a half chapati and some dal for a day.
✔ Cor:- The food provided by the authority is inadequate as it is just two chapati and a half and some dal for a day.

✎ 6) The initial letter of a proper noun (first, middle or surname) and adjectives made of proper nouns are always written with a capital letter.
Example: The most reliable friend of mine is Premananda Das who has always extended his selfless and timely help to me.
✖ Inc:-Premananda Das is known as the emran hashmi of our class.
✔ Cor:- Premananda Das is known as the Emran Hashmi of our class.

✎ 7) Quotation marks are to be used around names of chapters, short stories and poems.
Example: Neel sir is highly adept in 'Permutation and Combination.' ✖ Inc:-Neel sir is highly adept in Permutation and Combination.
✔ Cor:- The famous story 'Winking Woman' is written by Charan Singh.

✎ 8) Proper nouns can be used as common nouns. ✖ Inc:-Abinash Jena is Tendulkar of our colony.
✔ Cor:- Abinash Jena is the Tendulkar of our colony.

✎ 9) A Collective Noun takes singular verb and singular pronoun if its collective sense is felt. ✖ Inc:-The board have taken their decision that Ishant Sharma should be dropped in the next match.
✔ Cor:- The board has taken its decision that Ishant Sharma should be dropped in the next match.

✎ 10) A Collective Noun takes a plural verb and a plural pronoun if it no more gives its collective identity or individual of the group is focused.
✖ Inc:-The panel was divided in its opinion in the mining scam.
✔ Cor:- The panel were divided in their opinion in the mining scam.

✎ 11) Collective Nouns are always considered as neuter gender.
✖ Inc:-A bevy of young girls hold a candle march for the unlucky brave heart Nirbhaya. She is determined to get Nirbhaya justice.
✔ Cor:- A bevy of young girls hold a candle march for the unlucky brave heart Nirbhaya. It is determined to get Nirbhaya justice.